
The Healthy People Beautiful Communities Programme functions on four (4),

Level 1: The National Committee of Heads of Department

This committee comprises of Heads of Departments of all the collaborating departments. They give support to and sanction the various programmes and activities planned and implemented at the lower level.

Level 2: The Central Committee

The Central Committee collaborates with the office of the Coordinator-Health Promotion in monitoring the progress and guiding the activities of the local district committees to ensure uniform alignment with the HPBC Terms of Reference and approved policies. This committee also ensures that there is no conflict of interest with any government departmental policies and protocol procedures.

Level 3 The Committee of District Officers and NGOs

This committee operates at District level and has representatives of all the various government departments, other affiliated agencies (e.g. village councils), and NGOs.

This committee facilitates the process of needs assessment planning and support the implementation of the Healthy People Beautiful Communities programme(s) at district and community level.

Level 4: The Committee of District Officers and Key Community Leaders

Based on their job descriptions, or voluntary organizations or groups/clubs, members may conduct community assessment, identify community needs, and work towards possible solutions in collaboration with the district Committee of district officers.